Providing families with the voice they deserve in their child’s education.

Is your student struggling? Is organization a constant battle at your house? Have you ever wondered if your child should be evaluated to determine if a learning disability is holding them back from full success? Are you concerned your child’s school may not be following their IEP or 504?

Guiding families through the entire special education process from start (evaluation) to finish (continued academic success), and anywhere in between.

JC Educational Advocacy empowers families to confidently navigate the complexities of the public educational system.

We equip you with essential knowledge of the evaluation process, educational law, and the wide array of services and supports Massachusetts schools have available allowing learners to succeed.

Our experience & services are designed to empower your family:

Get in Touch!

Excited about joining forces? Share a bit about yourself, your child and your concerns, and we'll get back to you shortly. Can't wait to connect with you and make a difference in your child's education!